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You can access the Pest Control Reviews &
Employee Motivation Kit below.

Guide: How to Generate
Real 5-Star Reviews

Discover the key to turning every experience into a 5-star review.


Feature: Generate
Leads from Customers

Turn your happiest customers into high quality leads with Applause.


Case Study: Ridd

Discover how Ridd motivates techs with seamless tipping.


Feature: Bonus, Tip, and
Retain Technicians

Learn how to boost NPS, reward top performers, and grow reviews.


Case Study: Frontline

See how Frontline reduces tech attrition and boosts customer satisfaction with Applause.


Case Study: Aruza

How Aruza drove $60k in upsells to happy customers using Applause.


10,000+ service pros give Applause a standing ovation

10,000+ service pros give Applause a standing ovation

10,000+ service pros give Applause a standing ovation